Ecological XXI/ Oil painting on canvas / 80×80 cm / 1971 Antonietta Viganone
Appunti per un racconto autobiografico / Oil painting on canvas / 80×80 cm / 1966 Antonietta Viganone
Appunti per un racconto autobiografico / Oil painting on canvas
The initiative, which is inaugurated on Wednesday 14 June 2023 (18:30-21:00) and lasts until 31 July 2023, is organized in collaboration with the F&C Studio Legale Tributario and the Ethicando Association of Milan. It enjoys the media support of the… Read More »engraving/painting/sculpture RTSolo Exhibit by the Artist ANTONIETTA VIGANONE
engraving/painting/sculpture RTSolo Exhibit by the Artist ANTONIETTA VIGANONE
Without title / Oil painting on canvas / 100×60 cm Antonietta Viganone
Without Title / Oil painting on canvas
Without Title / Oil painting on canvas / 80×100 cm / 1970 Antonietta Viganone